I'm An Engineer Not A Magician But I Understand Your Confusion Shirt
I wrangled carts during high school for a I'm An Engineer Not A Magician But I Understand Your Confusion Shirt target in south Texas. I could never keep up, especially during the summer. My manager would remind me “don’t kill yourself” during the summer heat. My red polo would stay drenched. Dude me and my best friend did the same thing in north Texas, we were just talking the other day how we had to wear those khaki shorts and the sweat would almost instantly soak through the ass crack haha. They gave us free Starbucks/Pizza Hut drinks tho. I wrangled carts at Sam's in OKC, and my managers got mad at me for taking too many water breaks. A coworker and I also got in trouble for going on break at the same time when there was a lightning storm outside. If anyone knows David Usery, Ethil Cecil, or Mike Odom, tell them to drop trow and sit on a cactus for me. I was thinking the same thing. Could be the middle of summer and I loved having the opportunity to get away for a bit. Hell, I even hated when people put their baskets away instead of leaving them at the check-out.
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