I’ve Been Called A Lot Of Names In My Lifetime But Christian Is My Favorite Shirt
You think our founding fathers gave a I’ve Been Called A Lot Of Names In My Lifetime But Christian Is My Favorite Shirt crap about putting their carts back? What do you even think the Boston cart party was all about? Yeah when the Brit’s told them to put their carts back we put them back alright. Right back to the bottom of the ocean! No carts without representation! What a person does with their cart is sort of like a litmus test for their personality. Do they leave it with no care for those around them? Or do they do the right thing and put it back even though no one will know and they don't get a reward for it? Do you know how scary easy it is to get a concealed carry permit?(in my state anyway) Idk about now, but during the start of the pandemic there was a class that was completely over zoom. So you pay 60 bucks, attend one 1 hr online zoom meeting, and now you can walk around the streets with a 44 mag on your hip like you're dirty Harry. Edit: me saying this has people thinking I'm some sort of woke person that hates guns. I have no problem with guns just think.
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