Día De Los Muertos Day Of The Dead Mexican Holiday Shirt
He allowed the Día De Los Muertos Day Of The Dead Mexican Holiday Shirt galaxy to prepare for the Borg. It was successful. No race got entirely assimilated as has happened to countless other species. The Federation was able to construct weapons that were effective against Borg, which they shared with at least the Klingons and probably other species. It benefited everyone in the Alpha Quadrant. The Borg ended up becoming disinterested. Q was just a self-insert for the Star Trek writers to challenge their 24th century lawful good characters with 20th century chaotic neutral realisms. Just a way to say 'yeah, this is a high-minded and hopeful show - let us show you just how hopeful by contrasting it with the depths of modern human nature'. Interesting isn't it... The Republican is the ultimate user. They're unlike any threat you have ever faced. They're not interested in political cooperation, sustianable practices, or sharing power as you know it. They're simply interested in owning the libs. You can't outvote them, you can't reason with them.
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