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Đang hiển thị bài đăng từ Tháng 8, 2020

Social Ism Distancing Teacherlife Apple Laptop Shirt

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 Under threat of a Social Ism Distancing Teacherlife Apple Laptop Shirt violent, sudden death, this idiot just cannot keep from trying to exercise petty control over another human being. He has to go out and act like a wild fuckhead over...shopping carts. In Texas, where concealed carry is a thing, and you have no idea who is armed or not. Leave people alone. Respect their space. Mind your own business. Seems very simple to me. I’d say he definitely threatened that cart retrievers life. That’s a crime, looks like it’s classified as assault in Texas. I’m not 100 percent sure on this but I would imagine being convicted of assault for threatening someone’s life would probably make it illegal for you to own/carry firearms, gonna be hard to pass background checks with that on your record. Man that Cart-Narc is so annoying though, he is the Ben Shapiro of cart-narcs and comes of a bit self righteous. There are far better ways to educate people than this, if anything he is polarising...

Sped Squad Autism Special Education Teacher T-Shirt

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 Fucking fat bastard. He really was trying to  Sped Squad Autism Special Education Teacher T-Shirt confront him for "stand your ground law" to cover up his murder. Notice how he says stop approaching me and pushes on him constantly to force a confrontation to have an excuse to pull it out? So what was the outcome of Malcolm's use of his weapon? In other words, did the target make a credible threat against his life? Somehow, I doubt that. The cart narc should have thrown the cart in front of his vehicle, see how he likes that shit of a rogue cart damaging his paint job. Silly yanks, everything has to be about drama and threats. Why not use coins on your carts? It's a very civilised way of making people return their carts. I don't even work at a grocery store and I've saved tons of vehicles from runaway carts that people are too lazy to put back. So it is kind of a big deal if you don't want your vehicle damaged. Also just stop being a fat lazy fuck and put ...

Teacher 2020 Very Bad Would Not Recommend Shirt

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 I pushed carts at a Teacher 2020 Very Bad Would Not Recommend Shirt Wal-Mart for a few months while I was going to school. And yeah, the losers that just shove their carts anywhere made me mad. But the worst part was when drivers would almost run me over. One time I was putting a big stack on the cart mule and I was blocking one empty parking spot. One dumb fat Bitch decided she wanted that spot because it was 2 spots closer than the other open parking spot so she did a crazy maneuver to get in, almost knocked me over and was about 6inches away from my stack of carts. Didn't apologize or nothing. When she went in I put about 30 carts all around her car and flipped them so they weren't on the wheels. I had a laugh watching her move them all out of her way, took the fatty about 10 minutes. Probably made more work for myself but it was definately worth it. Romeoville Illinois.Did the police see him on video saying that he's a killer, because I feel like that would make them ...

Teacher Ally LGBT Gay Lesbian Pride LGBT Rainbow Flag Shirt

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 With his 'I'm a Teacher Ally LGBT Gay Lesbian Pride LGBT Rainbow Flag Shirt big man' attitude with the cart guy it makes me wonder how he approached someone harassing women on the train. I could be wrong, but sounds like two assholes meet and one had a gun. This guy was looking for a reason to shoot someone, and found it. Something about that man isn't right. He escalates and escalates and then flips and flees pretending he's a victim. How do we know he doesn't do this every time he decides to shoot someone in "self-defense"? You shouldn't touch other people's cars. You especially shouldn't charge at them while they are moving and slap them. Not sure the correlation between the first and second story. The shooting was cleared as self-defense after talking to witnesses on the train. What makes you think I am not courteous” says the guy who calls people fuck boy when challenged. Cart narc-ing self righteous and designed to provoke angry rea...

Teacher Can Do Virtually Anything Shirt

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 Imagine being this  Teacher Can Do Virtually Anything Shirt  fucking angry all the time and ready to snap like this. This guy was ready to shoot someone over getting called out on something that he did, almost as if he will take any oppurtunity he can to kill someone if he can make it sound like "self defense". This guy should get his carry license taken away, he makes actual law abiding and responsible gun owners look like shit. I can't fucking stand people who don't put their carts back up. Typically if I see you do that, I assume you're a slobby piece of shit with a dirty house because you don't pick up after yourself. I’m sorry? Based on the information this guy wanted to shoot someone. Found a “reasonable” time to do so and did so... firearms should always be a last resort. Even when in an Altercation. I may be in the minority, but this cart narc guy is a douche. I know that people not putting there cart away is douchey as well, but don't put stuff ...

Teacher Don’t Let The Pigeon Get Too Close Shirt

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 Guy that gets shot is  Teacher Don’t Let The Pigeon Get Too Close Shirt being a cunt on the train. Fatty gun guy thinks he’s a legit tough guy because he knows he has the gun, the ace up his sleeve, so he starts up the same tough guy routine as he did to the kid in the parking lot. Cunty train rider, not knowing fatty guy is actually fatty gun guy, decides he is going to have a go at the fat slob. Fatty gun guy shoots cunty train rider at the first sign of an aggressive approach. This being Texas, others in the crowd are mad that they didn’t get to use THEIR gun- but they come to the defense of fatty gun guy, who UNDOUBTEDLY spent the entire time between the shooting and the arrival of authorities telling all of the witnesses something to the effect of, “Y’all saw that...it were self-deeefence!”Fat, lazy, entitled, belligerent, piece of shit. From Texas of course. Fuck this guy. And there are so many people just like him out there. I can't believe I'm not allowed to own ...

Teacher Of All Preschool Things Shirt

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 Nothing gives you the  Teacher Of All Preschool Things Shirt right to be a self appointed shopping cart cop and bother people. The guy with the magnet is asking for ass whipping. Should the other guy out the cart up? Yes he should. But it's a trivial matter. What if it would have been a small woman instead of a big dude and scared her with his bullshit crusade. Stores pay people to corral shopping carts. It takes a lot of guts to approach anyone, for anything in Texas. I can’t believe civil society is possible down there. People could just do whatever the fuck they feel like doing because others would to too afraid to confront others because who knows which one of them is a lunatic with a gun.  Now I’m never sad to see a cunty human being get shot, so I’m cool on that point. I also take solace in knowing fatty gun guy will likely be dead in the next five years from an accidental, or self-inflicted gunshot wound, and even if he doesn’t he won’t make it much past...

Teacher Operation Enduring Clusterfuck Covid 19 2020 Shirt

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 I’ve always thought this was a Teacher Operation Enduring Clusterfuck Covid 19 2020 Shirt really stupid YouTube concept. Most people are receptive to a polite “Hey, your cart’s blocking a space there.” I’ve never called it someone’s attention who didn’t apologize and move it. Plenty of people have PTSD or similar conditions that make being followed by a man shouting at them in a parking lot way more than a minor inconvenience. The videos aren’t funny don’t even accomplish the goal of getting people to start a habit of putting their carts away. I understand that it's not the point of this post, but cart narc guy is a major asshole here. We're in the middle of a pandemic. Every time he touches someones car or goes out for these stupid ass videos, he is putting complete strangers lives at risk. Nothing gives you the right to be a self appointed shopping cart cop and bother people. The guy with the magnet is asking for ass whipping. Should the other guy out the cart up? Ye...

Teacher Pencil Shirt Teacher Life Apple Shirt

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 I live where this  Teacher Pencil Shirt Teacher Life Apple Shirt  happened. I like what the guy is going for, but the whole putting a magnet on someone's vehicle is where it crosses the line. People are assholes, especially here, especially now. This doesn't make the angry dude right, and it's not how I would've handled the situation, but that is fully how I would expect someone around here to react to some dude waving an orange traffic light and tossing a magnet on their truck. “Cart-narcs” is easily the saddest thing I have ever heard of. You really have the time in your day to sit in a parking lot and record people who don’t put their carts back, with everything going on in the world you choose to spend your energy worrying about this. I actually read a post from a grocery store employee saying he preferred when people didn’t put their carts back because the 10-15 minutes he would spend outside gathering them up was the most peaceful moment of his work day. And t...

Teacher Quarantined Promoted To Stay At Home Cat Mom Shirt

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 Well if people were not Teacher Quarantined Promoted To Stay At Home Cat Mom Shirt complete douche-bags in the first place and put their cart back like a normal person, the need for a cart narc would disappear. Ive come out of the store a few different times over the years to find a cart that rolled downhill into my vehicle, so yes a cart narc is needed to prevent this and I fully support his actions as the store doesnt pay for any damages, your just stuck with a dent or scratch you have to fix yourself because the deductible is too high to bother with a claim. So you and the the guy you replied to are both evidently part of the problem, as your seeing the cart narc as the bad guy when its the douche bags that just leave them out there to roll away when a breeze kicks up is the people in the wrong. I think the Dallas police need to see this video not saying what happened on the train wasn't self defense but someone like this would use any opportunity to shoot someone besides...

My Favorite Dance Teacher Calls Me Mom Flower Shirt

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 Play stupid games, win  My Favorite Dance Teacher Calls Me Mom Flower Shirt stupid prizes lmao. If you’re chasing people down in a parking lot to do this kind of stuff, and you’re not even an employee of the company but an individual just doing it for wholesome internet points, you’ve earned whatever’s coming to you shy of death. I’m also sure the grocer loves and appreciates what this man is doing for their customer.I’m probably gonna get mass downvoted for this but god damn the “cart narc” is hella annoying and completely out of place. I agree they should put the cart back but constantly throwing stickers and annoying the customers is arguably as bad as not putting the cart away. This cart-narc dude is annoying, like I get it but this is a tumultuous time and a lot of people are already on edge and he's just harassing people and putting things on their property. Shopping carts aren't worth this dude getting hurt. I always make sure to put my cart in the return. With th...

Para 2020 The One Where We Were Quarantined Teacher Assistant Class Of 2020 Tee Shirt

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 And even if they didn't really pick the Para 2020 The One Where We Were Quarantined Teacher Assistant Class Of 2020 Tee Shirt fight, they probably escalated it unnecesarily to the point where they created the situation where it wouldn't have existed otherwise. You shouldn't always look the other way when other people are being harassed, but sometimes you have to realize you're only going to escalated the situation to a critical level. Just another progun guy looking for an excuse to kill someone. Guarantee the situation could have been handled without a gun. Dude weighs more than a mack truck. Just lean on the victim. Those 300,000 lawfull self defense cases a year in america are mostly people who didnt have to shoot anyone but knew they could. But they argue its about life and death and thats why I should be allowed to own 83 guns. I'm sorry but as a proud gun owner these 2A people are starting to look dumber every day.I hope I never have such a sad life that a s...

Funny Pay Teachers More Shirt

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 Im a cart pusher at a  Funny Pay Teachers More Shirt Kroger's and honestly if you leave carts out it gets about 3 people an easy hour off work for the end of the day. You should always put them away from cars but we dont expect them all perfectly lined up for us, if you want to help us go for it and if not i get an hour to myself grabbing single carts. "The shopping cart is the ultimate litmus test for whether a person is capable of self-governing. To return the shopping cart is an easy, convenient task and one which we all recognize as the correct, appropriate thing to do. To return the shopping cart is objectively right. There are no situations other than dire emergencies in which a person is not able to return their cart. Simultaneously, it is not illegal to abandon your shopping cart. Therefore the shopping cart presents itself as the apex example of whether a person will do what is right without being forced to do it."The guy filming this video is being such a fucki...

Pretty Dope 3rd Grade Teacher Shirt

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 Cart guy is a twit, but the  Pretty Dope 3rd Grade Teacher Shirt pyscho gunman is threatening violence at nothing, and probably enacted violence at nothing aswell. Whatever the case, I wouldn’t side with the dude who resorts to lethal violence in any of these situations. As soon I saw this was over a cart I wish this guy had something better to do. If he was funny and was just getting a candid reaction I would watch. Dude it literally a shopping cart officer. I’ve pushed carts for years in my youth, and this idea of cart narcs is just dumb. People leave carts out, others put them in. There’s no disclaimer saying they are responsible for putting carts in a cart coral. So to be this annoying is just annoying. Unless you put a disclaimer on all shopping carts saying that you are responsible for putting the carts back, then you can’t go around enforcing this shit. Yes it is inconsiderate when people do it, but that’s why people are paid to collect carts in a parking lot...

Pumpkin Pi Halloween Math Teacher Gifts For Kids T-Shirt

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 Reminds me of  Pumpkin Pi Halloween Math Teacher Gifts For Kids T-Shirt my parents neighbor. Stays strapped, even at home, in a city of 50K with very little violent crime, because he drinks the fear flavored koolaid. But the important part is, everyone's called him maytag for a decade and he finds it perfectly fitting - because he agitates. He is incapable of walking out way ofaway or bringing a situation down. Does anyone else think Cart Narcs is dumb as hell? Of all the shit going on the world and causes you can take up, this guy chooses to antagonize and humiliate people in the most juvenile way possible for some petty bullshit. Yes it's annoying when lazy people don't put their shopping carts back, but the majority of us do. Of course people are going to get pissed when you walk up to their vehicle with a camera and throw something on it. Will this really change their behavior? The whole cart narc thing is just another scheme to go viral. They don't actually giv...

Rabbits Teacher Of The Most Awesome Peeps Shirt

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 If you drive into it Rabbits Teacher Of The Most Awesome Peeps Shirt like a retard, and then who are you going to blame the inert and unmoving object that you just purposefully impacted? I’m 25 years old and never in my entire life has someone leaving a cart out of its place even in-convinced me, I literally forget its a thing until I see videos like this. How pathetic do you have to be to not only have an emotional response to this but to judge others for it like it matters? oh it’s so inconsiderate, didn’t they think about the possibility of me driving up on the curb at 30 mph or cutting between the corner of 4 parking spaces and hurting that cart?? How lazy could they be, not walking the cart back; now I might have to make 4 extra steps out of my way to grab it what a lazy pos.If someone sticks something to my car, I’m going to be absolutely fucking livid. Cause, remember, it’s not immediately obvious it’s a magnet. I worked hard to pay off my car and I‘m vigilant about ke...

Reciprocity Teachers 2020 The One Where They Was Quarantined Social Distancing T-Shirt

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 I generally try to Reciprocity Teachers 2020 The One Where They Was Quarantined Social Distancing T-Shirt not purposely be an inconvenience out of pure assholeness, or double down when I'm clearly in the wrong. I mean, I'm a grown person, I know right from wrong and try to act accordingly. That doesn't take a saint. Not really the point though, is it? Imagine being this invested in arguing for the benefit of shitty behavior. I guess you relate to this fat "i'm a killer' moron? If the store wants to take that action, that's fine. This asshole forcing confrontations (and as noted elsewhere, blocking people in), and possibly damaging their vehicles is not. Do you not see the difference? I said "possibly damaging" and if you don't think that has a potential to dent or scratch a car (it's a magnetized sticker), then you're wrong. It's a soft piece of rubber with magnetic coating. In fact, where I'm from, it's the law to attach ...

Spelling Bee Funny Pun Teacher Halloween Costume Shirt

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 If you have to be  Spelling Bee Funny Pun Teacher Halloween Costume Shirt harassed into being the bare minimum of a decent person, you should be. And then banned from the store. Edit: Actually, scratch that. Just ban him from the store. Since the US seem to have an epidemic of inconsiderate and self-absorbed assholes on top of Corona, just banning everyone who does shit like this from the entire store chain might be a good cure. There should be real consequences for bad behavior, since a sense of shame clearly doesn't exist in many parts of the states. Even when I pushed carts at Kmart as a teenager nobody really gave a fuck exactly where the carts were. Get the fuck over yourself and find an outlet for all this excess moral energy you fucking loser. Seems to me that being an inconsiderate asshole makes one much more of a loser, as does defending that sort of behaviour. But I understand now that being a self-centered bitch is a point of pride in the US. That explai...

Star Wars Students I Am Your Teacher Shirt

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 I mean, this guy's bits are Star Wars Students I Am Your Teacher Shirt funny and I love why he's doing it bc I hate when ppl do this, but honestly, especially in this day and age, get some situational awareness. Some people are crazy AF and WILL do something terrible to you over the dumbest things. Views on the interwebs is not worth your life. Wrong place, wrong time is a phrase for a reason. People leaving their carts in the lot is pretty low on the list of things I care about. With all of the injustice in this world he can't find a better cause worthy of this effort? Just a stupid hill to die on. He often blocks them in when he can, usually by putting the cart behind their vehicle so they can't just drive away. Doesn't mean they can't just sit there and play on their phone until he leaves (if they have that much time)... Kind of boring youtube content if they just sat back and didn't respond.I enjoyed his videos when I first found them, but over time it ...

Stay Home And Watch Pixar Movies Shirt

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 So awkwardly enough when i was  Stay Home And Watch Pixar Movies Shirt younger i'd chill outside of an aldi's and wait for people to leave because they were too lazy even outside of the quarter to take the cart back. So I'd take them back pocket the quarter and after a couple hours id take my 3-6 dollar haul of quarters to a nearby movie theatre that had an arcade in it and play games. There was actually a study released recently showing that fat and stupid go hand and hand. Apparently, being fat somehow affects cognitive function. Wish I could find the link right now. I hope prosecutors in that “self defense” case are looking at this video. That fat fuck was clearly looking for a reason to shoot someone. After watching this, self defense seems less believable. Edit: Well this certainly got interesting overnight. For the record I know nothing about this train shooting and was strictly commenting on the mans nature. Which is to threaten to murder someone with his gun over...

Donkey If You Can’t Laugh At Yourself Call Me I’ll Laugh At You Vintage Shirt

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 The problem is  Donkey If You Can’t Laugh At Yourself Call Me I’ll Laugh At You Vintage Shirt they retained both. In Canada they issued $1 coins and the banks collected the bills for burning. People can refuse to use the coins, but the bills eventually are no longer issued by banks so there's no other options. For sure, man. The only problem is that they're sparsely located. I'd have to drive 20 min across town to get to Aldi's. So I make it a once a month kind of deal. I used to live a few miles down and I'd go there before I go anywhere else. When you're penny pinching, Aldi is so rewarding. Even got a bike stand from there for $20 that I still use for 4 years now. I also got a shower head for $5 or $10 from there that rivals the more high end Kohler heads. Sometimes they have pretty good merchandise! Sorry, I'm just geeking out over here. Someone stahp me. Oh! So now I have to walk aaaaaaaall the way (20 feet) across this parking lot! To do YOUR job! And...

Friends Don’t Let Friends Fight Cancer Alone Breast Cancer Awareness Witch Halloween Shirt

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 Over here, you need to  Friends Don’t Let Friends Fight Cancer Alone Breast Cancer Awareness Witch Halloween Shirt  put a coin into the cart to release it - as a deposit you'll get back after you return the cart. It works fine, everybody obeys to that rule & brings back their cart. Must be this sOcIaLiSt European mind control again :D There's a few stores around the states that do that, but mostly the entitled idiots in this country complain and try to steal other people's carts, due to some idiotic belief they have a right to not have to spend a quarter. Listen folks, I understand you get the quarter back, I understand it's not even spending the damned thing. I'm simply pointing out that the rest if my countrymen are spoilt, entitled douchbags. The UK is £1, like kids find trollies in bushes and return them just to get the coin out of them where I live. Either way the trolley 99.9% of the time makes its way back to where it should. Yea a quarter doesn't se...

Funny Carlos Maza Is A Fag Shirt

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 The DART in Funny Carlos Maza Is A Fag Shirt Dallas is pretty awesome. I used to take it to get everywhere when I didn't have a car. One pass covers the train and the buses so for like $70/month I could go pretty much anywhere in the city. Now one guy did ask me if he could 'touch me later' and another guy told me I looked 'more beautiful every day he saw me' even though I'd never seen him before in my life, or at least to my knowledge. So I rode the trains with a knife in my pocket, but it was still overall 9/10. That's true, and you're being very fair. However, I have video showing that the guy very clearly has an anger management problem, describes himself as a "killer" and says himself that he's willing to shoot someone for essentially nothing, "not caring" that it's against the law. His words. It's not impossible that someone like that will use his gun in legitimate self defense, saving two women from harassment eve...

I’ve Been Called A Lot Of Names In My Lifetime But Christian Is My Favorite Shirt

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 You think our founding fathers gave a I’ve Been Called A Lot Of Names In My Lifetime But Christian Is My Favorite Shirt crap about putting their carts back? What do you even think the Boston cart party was all about? Yeah when the Brit’s told them to put their carts back we put them back alright. Right back to the bottom of the ocean! No carts without representation! What a person does with their cart is sort of like a litmus test for their personality. Do they leave it with no care for those around them? Or do they do the right thing and put it back even though no one will know and they don't get a reward for it? Do you know how scary easy it is to get a concealed carry permit?(in my state anyway) Idk about now, but during the start of the pandemic there was a class that was completely over zoom. So you pay 60 bucks, attend one 1 hr online zoom meeting, and now you can walk around the streets with a 44 mag on your hip like you're dirty Harry. Edit: me saying this has people t...

Ik Google de Mijn Symptomen Blijkbaar Heb Ik Gewoon Meer Cavia's Nodig Shirt

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 As soon as people are Ik Google de Mijn Symptomen Blijkbaar Heb Ik Gewoon Meer Cavia's Nodig Shirt challenged like that, it’s just not gonna happen. Most people don’t have the emotional maturity to process the fact that they are in fact wrong and just say sorry and do the right thing. The defense mechanism goes up and it’s a battle. I feel like a selfish ass if I don't put my cart back. Its not hard and it saves the workers time and energy. Will I be punished if I don't put it in the right place? No but, just because you won't be punished doesnt mean you haven't done anything wrong. At the very minimum, its just common fucking courtesy. I always put my cart back but if this guy put a sticker on my car, I’d ask him not to do it again and if he did it again I’d probably follow him home and put stickers all over his house. I just don’t understand how Captain Diabetes could chase him around, yet putting the cart away was an inconvenience. Lazy fuck.The first (and last...

I'm An Engineer Not A Magician But I Understand Your Confusion Shirt

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 I wrangled carts during high school for a  I'm An Engineer Not A Magician But I Understand Your Confusion Shirt  target in south Texas. I could never keep up, especially during the summer. My manager would remind me “don’t kill yourself” during the summer heat. My red polo would stay drenched. Dude me and my best friend did the same thing in north Texas, we were just talking the other day how we had to wear those khaki shorts and the sweat would almost instantly soak through the ass crack haha. They gave us free Starbucks/Pizza Hut drinks tho. I wrangled carts at Sam's in OKC, and my managers got mad at me for taking too many water breaks. A coworker and I also got in trouble for going on break at the same time when there was a lightning storm outside. If anyone knows David Usery, Ethil Cecil, or Mike Odom, tell them to drop trow and sit on a cactus for me. I was thinking the same thing. Could be the middle of summer and I loved having the opportunity to get a...

It's Not A Gun It's A High Speed Wireless Communication Device Shirt

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 A huge part is It's Not A Gun It's A High Speed Wireless Communication Device Shirt also "social responsibility" where people will do something of minor inconvenience that does more good for society as a whole. If the vast majority of the population has this then the rest of the population who doesn't will automatically be shamed into compliance. another example is whether people are willing to voluntarily wear masks and not party during a pandemic that mostly "only" kills the elderly and immunosuppressed. New Yorkers have a decent sense of social responsibility when it comes to masks but oddly enough most of these fuckers will still leave their grocery carts wherever they please. I think it's cause of the broken mentality of "well it keeps the cart collector guy employed". Smh. When I worked in a grocery store "the cart collector guy" was also the "bag your groceries guy" and the "cleanup on aisle three guy"...

Nice Bigfoot Squatchaween Shirt

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 Yes, but it's just a  Nice Bigfoot Squatchaween Shirt  quarter and I went to Aldi's last week and still saw about a dozen abandoned carts because people think a quarter is worthless. You best bet I returned all those carts and had enough quarters for weeks worth of gumball machines for my kids! Yes, but it's just a quarter and I went to Aldi's last week and still saw about a dozen abandoned carts because people think a quarter is worthless. You best bet I returned all those carts and had enough quarters for weeks worth of gumball machines for my kids! I have yet to see an abandoned cart at an Aldi's. I have, however, had a couple people just give me their paid-for cart on their way to return it because they didn't care. Tried to give them a quarter and they refused. We also have a beggar that routinely sets up by the cart return because she knows you at least have a quarter. Thats called recycling. He sells them back to the store after making sure all the wheel...

Waco Lake Unsalted Shark Free Texas Shirt

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 When I first moved there, one Waco Lake Unsalted Shark Free Texas Shirt of the biggest things I noticed was some commercials were rebranded for the Texas market. “Hey Texas, you like your truck...” It cracked me up that everything was in the shape of Texas. I’d always but the Texas shaped chips because I thought it was ironic and hilarious, but then it eventually became a part of me. I was gonna say, it's a lot more common than Northerners would think. I'm flip flops and shorts 330 days a year, but you see people every day of the year in jeans, hoodies, and skullies. I currently live in Florida. Just yesterday in the middle of the afternoon when the heat index/real feel temperature was hovering around 105°F (about 40°C), I saw this old dude in his 70s or 80s bicycling down the street and he was wearing a giant sweatshirt and jean pants. I wanted to pass out from heatstroke just looking at him. Big question whether its 'Redneck Fuckery' or 'Fuckin' Redneckery...

Baby Yoda Baby Boo I Am Love Me You Must Shirt

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 I think it'd feel that Baby Yoda Baby Boo I Am Love Me You Must Shirt way for almost anyone. A narcissist might actually be able to mentally backflip away from the realization, right back into denial and deflection. But I like the visual of a narcissist getting kicked in the balls in front of a whole stadium. I seriously can drift away in daydreaming about how that man and that woman are when they are at home, in private. When he goes to bed, what goes through his mind. How she treats him when he is brushing his teeth in his undies. Does he realize how he will be portrayed in future history books. How is that family dinner with the Trump bunch. Weird people. Do you think they sleep anywhere near each other? I really don't imagine they spend much time together in private at all. She didn't marry him out of love. At least not out of love for him. She probably can't stand him and who can blame her? Yeah I was closer to feeling bad for him when this originally aired last ...

Born To Be A Witch Forced To Work Black Cat Halloween Shirt

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 You really summed up Born To Be A Witch Forced To Work Black Cat Halloween Shirt how I my thought process has been. He’s a truly evil man, and he should not be thought about in a kind and caring way in my head, but for those few moments I feel empathy. It fucking sucks. Evil men like don’t deserve an ounce of empathy from me. They really don't. - I blame it on biology, I guess. Some instinct that makes humans want to care/help, maybe, when they see helpless or sad looking elderly people. :/ Like I said, before your brain switches on and you remember someone's actually bad and not helpless at all. What makes me almost feel bad for him is the fact that not a single person he's surrounded by, not his wife, not his children, not his Republican "allies," not his business partners, none of them like him. They're all just with him for money and power. The only people who legitimately love him (God knows why) are people he's never met nor would ever spend time w...

Chunky Thighs And Spooky Vibes Halloween Shirt

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 I’m the Chunky Thighs And Spooky Vibes Halloween Shirt same way. Part of me actually feel bad — watching the smile fade like that would be heartbreaking to anyone else. I can’t watch clips/gifs of it anymore because a very tiny part of me slightly gives a fuck. However, I do remind myself every time that this man is a monster and he only cares about himself. Your last paragraph really sums it up perfectly. He brought this onto himself and he’s the only one who can change it, but honestly that point is far to gone now. It's very similar for me. I'm an overly empathetic person tbh, and this is rough to watch. So was the footage of him leaving the plane looking all dishevelled after the Tulsa rally. I hate it, I start thinking 'aw man, in the end it's just an old man who has to realize how many people hate him, that must feel so awful', it's like an intrusive thought. I snap out of it after a few seconds, and remind myself how he's talked about immigrants, o...

Funny Trick Or Treat Halloween Shirt

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 I doubt it's just the  Funny Trick Or Treat Halloween Shirt boos. The guy can't walk down a ramp or lift a glass of water with one hand, you think he can find the plate from 60 feet away? I mean, Fauci couldn't either, but he's a national treasure and just laughed it off. Trump couldn't handle the embarrassment. Can you? I've been wondering this for a while. Something bad happened to someone who did something horrible to me and I feel bad for them more than anything, but everyone says I shouldn't. Idk what to do anymore. He looks at trump close to the end to see how he should be reacting. Keep smiling? Go for a frown? Not that there was any question of the disingenuousness of Gaetz's brand of sycophantic behavior- but its a great example. Classic bootlicker. I can almost feel sorry for him. To be so egocentric, so focused on your legacy, that you betray all manner of decency just to become President.And then, finally, when all eyes are focused on you, ...

Los Angeles Dodgers 17 Free Joe Kelly Shirt

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 I think it ultimately is  Los Angeles Dodgers 17 Free Joe Kelly Shirt  what happens when a nation comes out of two world wars with the overall feeling that we "saved the world" from itself (and yes I know the U.S. didn't save the world. At least not alone). The military itself became a representation of that 'saviour of freedom' in a way. What I hate is that if you're not completely enamoured of the military you're viewed as a scummy traitor. Two of my brothers are in the armed forces. I love them, but I'm not going to fucking salute them and thank them for their service every time I see them. It's a job. They get paid for it and nobody forced them to sign up. They're not "defending our freedoms". I still care about the troops and our veterans and want them to be well cared for, but I don't really have respect for our meddling and bloodshed in the Middle East.They should be treated better than they are, and it's awful that an...

Nice Pumpkin Queen Halloween Shirt

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 Everyone deserves to go Nice Pumpkin Queen Halloween Shirt to an NHL playoff game in their life (well, not during a pandemic of course). I’m gonna take solace in the fact the Sharks miss the year I can’t even be there, because NHL playoff games are THE best sporting experience ever. Especially if it goes to OT. You will 100% lose your voice and your ears will be ringing, but the energy and excitement is worth the $100+ per ticket. If you present this clip to a Trump supporter most of them say the crowd is always cheering. The crowd never stopped cheering. The crowd is still cheering to this day. Yet if you present the audio alone I'd reckon most everyone would define three distinct phases.I find this cult of the military very odd in your society. Having them line up waving while the crowd cheer seems kind of pavlovian to me.It’s by design. The department of defense spent a lot of money to tie patriotism to sports to boost recruiting and nationalist attitudes to keep people fr...