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Đang hiển thị bài đăng từ Tháng 7, 2020

Funny Rick And Morty Estes Shirt

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Yeah. The barrel dude was called Diogenes who was a  Funny Rick And Morty Estes Shirt philosopher who was famous for founding the school of Cynic Philosophy. He gave up all of his possessions apart from a barrel and a small bowl which he drank from. He was famous for jacking of in public and, when alexander the great visited him and asked him what he could do for him, Diogenes' response was that he should move because he was blocking the sun.I had a manager in my twenties who detested the fact I turned a two hour process into a fifteen minute process. It exposed how much lazier he was compared to me because when the higher ups learned from other people at my level that I created the program, they took me aside and told me he took credit for it. They asked me how I felt about that.Years ago as a student I got a job stocking shelves. Guys were carrying the heavy boxes, put them on the floor and bend each time to pick up the items to put on the shelves. I was maybe a light 100 pounds...

Miniature Schnauzer I Hear You I’m Just Not Listening Shirt

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I was once set to test a certain piece of Miniature Schnauzer I Hear You I’m Just Not Listening Shirt equipment on a ship. The test involved attaching the unit to a reader, then run loads of command line commands. Then, one would have to make a copy of all the text, copy it into word and save it as a (real crappy looking) report. There was HUNDREDS of units, and they needed to be testet several times a year. We did about 20-30 a day. It would take several weeks to finish.I didn't know coding at the time, but always wanted to learn it.Within two months, I had made a program, even with a GUI (to spot faults with ease, instead of having to actually READ the reports). The program could read three units at a time, and would automatically create a smooth pdf report and save it on our server, named with serial number and date.The job was now to attach three units, then wait for about 3 minutes, detach and attach new ones. Basically 30 seconds work, 3 minutes break. I could now test all un...

Native Blood Runs Through My Veins Shirt

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It turned out that one employee had hired someone in China to Native Blood Runs Through My Veins Shirt do his work for him. He had several other jobs at other companies that were similarly outsourced to a much cheaper Chinese worker and was pocketing more than $1m per year in salary above what he paid his remote workers. He had always received exemplary reviews and had even turned down promotions. When they had instituted the physical VPN tokens, the remote employee had been unable to connect while his token was being sent by FedEX. I did this too. I got assigned a new job and found that the work was very labor intensive. So I coded it and got a 40 h/week job down to about 4 hours on monday. Then I went looking for other things to automate in the department. I automated our job routing system, which was manual at the time, and I automated customer letter production, and I automated another managers job because they left and was going to give the work to me. Totally eliminated that ...

Nice Rick And Morty Applebee’s Shirt

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When I was 20, I had a Nice Rick And Morty Applebee’s Shirt part-time student-work position that involved managing the website at a small organization. One of my tasks was to update the landing page every day with the date, a little thing about the day ("Happy International Women's Day" or "Today is Nelson Mandela's Birthday" or whatever) an inspirational quote, and a link to a random article from our archives.The person who'd had the task before me was editing the HTML by hand every day. It wasn't a big task, but it was blocked out in my schedule for 8am to 8:30am every morning. Within the first week, I'd built a very simple database and script. It took about 2 hours total, and then for the whole three years I worked there, I had half an hour in the morning to just drink coffee and browse the Internet until the script pushed the update live automatically at 8:30.Reminds me of the mysterious firewall issue that Verizon discovered. They noticed t...

Nice That’s What She Shirt

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I remember I worked in a  Nice That’s What She Shirt  small IT department in college and the head admin had EVERYTHING automated. He'd spend the whole day playing games or watching YouTube but he still performed all of his duties in a timely manner. One day we played a full game of Civ V while monitoring the progress of a script that updated everyone in the office from XP to Win 7. All of the work got done on time and correctly so we really weren't doing anything "wrong". IT guy here who fucked up. I'm not trained in IT but in commercial shipping. When I came in the office on the first day I got the rundown and started working. I found so many systems that just didn't make sense and were completely inefficient. Like a good MO-er (shipping term) I made a report and gave it to my boss, he said "great ideas, go ahead". I executed them and a month later the team went from 40ish to 25 cause it saved so much time. Sorry colleagues. I found a decent way aro...

Spoony Dogs Playing Poker Friends Shirt

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EDIT. This got more attention than I was expecting, so some more info: This was a Spoony Dogs Playing Poker Friends Shirt  small construction-related company, so they were hit very hard by the 2008-2009 recession. I really had no hard feelings about being let go at the time it happened, mostly because I was already looking for something else, anyway. But due to the economy at the time, I still ended up unemployed for another six months, and I felt lied to by the owner about his efforts to bring me back, sell one division that would get me a job, etc. One could say I grew more and more bitter about it at time went on. Still, they asked for some help from time to time, and I did go back to do some consulting at a decent hourly rate more than once. It was a year or so after those calls stopped that they were really in the shit. By that time, I was on to a much better job (still there 10 years later, now making literally triple what I made at the construction company). If they could ha...

St Louis Blues Mask 2020 The Year When Shit Got Real Quarantine Shirt

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e didn't find out until way later, but he had set up macros for each of  St Louis Blues Mask 2020 The Year When Shit Got Real Quarantine Shirt his major responsibilities where he could. Once set up, he'd just run the macros to do his work, but then he'd (smartly) hold off on delivering the reports until just a little before the deadlines.He'd hit every assignment and was seen as reliable. He also would complain about the workload so people would leave him with that work. I doubt he did a full hour of work a day after he set up what he did.Eventually he left the job for one with better pay. But damn did he work lazy. Also, he was smart not to reveal until the end, because had he told them about it he would have gotten a pat on the back and would have been given a whole other workload, on top of maintaining those macros/etc. Dude milked the job, not the other way around.The secret is shameless self-promotion. Use secret scripts and automation but instead of telling every...

Stop Acting Like A Disgruntled Pelican Girl Vintage Shirt

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We had to hold a thermometer in  Stop Acting Like A Disgruntled Pelican Girl Vintage Shirt  water in chemistry class. It probably was only 20 minute experiment but your arms get tired after a couple minutes and you can’t let the thermometer touch the bottom of the pan or it won’t get an accurate reading. So instead of sucking it up and just holding the thermometer, my lab partner built a contraption out of lab books and paperclips to somehow hold the thermometer in the water without it touching bottom.It was the stupidest looking thing you would ever see in a lab class and our professor even walked over and said “if it looks stupid, sounds stupid, but it works, then it isn’t stupid.” My lab partner and I joke that he wasn’t talking about the contraption but the intellect of my lab partner Me. I automate shit all the time at work to make daily routine jobs more easy. I write manuals with screenshots with arrows indicating where to click or where to fill in what. Whenever I writ...

Taylor Swift 14 Years Of Operation 2006-2020 8 Albums Signature Shirt

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I got fed-up with hand writing itemized sub-orders at work, so I set up a Taylor Swift 14 Years Of Operation 2006-2020 8 Albums Signature Shirt spreadsheet that you can just fill out. Then I got tired of having more than one program open, and not being able to search within & among those order sheets (at least not automatically, or easily), so I'm having our FileMaker guy integrate it into our greater ordering & invoicing system.I was frustrated at the pointlessness of sorting a giant pile of paper invoices from an unpaid stack to a paid stack every month, so I just use the accounting software to keep track.I became so irritated with having to fill out a multi-page, printed spreadsheet for every single order (sometimes just one item, two pages in [and frequently, there would be those pesky itemized sub orders]) that I condensed the items into "most used", put them all on one easy to read sheet, and encouraged my co-worker to simply write out the more uncommon ite...

The Moody Blues 56th Anniversary Thank You For The Memories Signatures Shirt

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Back in highschool a The Moody Blues 56th Anniversary Thank You For The Memories Signatures Shirt lot of kids used to walk thru his park to get home/to school. A portion of the path went into the woods because it was just quicker than walking the actual trail. At one point in the walk through the woods, you had to go up this small but tedious hill; nothing major but it took like 10 seconds of hard work to go up it. You couldn’t go around because one side was a small cliff to the creek below and other side had dense trees. One summer, a bunch of us got together and decided to just dig through that hill to make it flat. It took like 14 of us 3 good days to get through it.I have a massive exercise to do at our year end (accountancy). My work previously got checked by another manager who spent over 3 weeks going over the data. Eventually she got shifted to another department and that workload fell on me, basically self audit and then present the data to the actual auditors. My previous ma...

Bear Camping Everything Will Kill You So Choose Something Fun Vintage Shirt

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So I spent 3 months "studying" database structures, scripting, coding etc. I told my tutor what I wanna do and he helped me to Bear Camping Everything Will Kill You So Choose Something Fun Vintage Shirt write a script that grabs all necessary informations from the courses-database, copy that into another database and then I went crazy and wrote code that was insane. I implemented "what if" scenarios thanks to filters. At the end I was able to do my work, that needed 6hrs a day within 15 minuntes. I mean, before that it took e.g. an hour to have all the necessary informations to have a "how many unemployed single parent women does it need to make the costs of that course even. I had EVERYTHING back then. Now you want statistics how many single parent disabled foreign women at the age of 80-90 are needed for the next 2 years to keep the ornithology course running? Sure, no problem. Clickety-Click, done. After that, I started the PC in the morning, grabbed all the...

Bigfoot And Alien Never Walk Alone Vintage Shirt

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I worked 'goods in' for an  Bigfoot And Alien Never Walk Alone Vintage Shirt aircraft manufacturer as a summer job at university. Parts would arrive, we'd open them and key in all the details into a terminal. That bit was long winded. I discovered the terminal keyboard has assignable shortcuts, and set up a bunch of them for all the boilerplate such that keying in an item was about six keystrokes. Saved myself and my workmate hours every day, which we would spend pranking each other, other warehouse staff and staff at other sites.This was in early 90s, so PCs were a thing in our offices but I had no idea how to write a program or use a database to use this informations. Lucky as I am our center had an interesting policy: when you want to educate yourself, you can attend that class for free. And when it's during the worktime, then this is worktime - as long as my supervisor is ok with that. She was.Worked in a local adult education center. One of my main tasks was to mak...

Bigfoot Hello Darkness My Old Friend Shirt

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Andrew Youakim was a  Bigfoot Hello Darkness My Old Friend Shirt singer/songwriter who became famous under the stage name Andy Kim. He achieved success writting songs for bands like the Archies, possibly most notably "Sugar, Sugar." After his success he coasted for awhile until his record label dropped him for lack of output. At that point he created his own label and cranked out hits like "Rock Me Gently." When they saw this, the big record labels then bought his label under the assumption that they would then profit off of the songs he wrote and performed.The person originally doing this job spent a full 40+ hours/week doing it, but was not very computer literate. When they retired, the company hired someone with actual skills. The new hire convinced management to let her work remotely after getting up to speed on the job.The first week at home was spent automating the entire job. The remainder of their multi-year tenure with the company was spent doing whatever ...

Florida Memorial BCU Black Ivy League Shirt

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Take this guy's word. My wife's best friend's husband is  Florida Memorial BCU Black Ivy League Shirt an engineer. He worked for a company making industrial machines. He decided to go start a company of his own. Asked a lawyer and the lawyer said it should be no problem. Six months down the road he got served a court order to shut down because he was using IP from his previous job. Ended up going to court and got wiped out. Hundreds of thousands of dollars penalty, future salary garnishment, the whole works.When I was in college I had a job at an Italian fast food place with a reputation for it's breadsticks. They came in frozen and needed a bit to thaw, so we'd take a giant 3x4ft aluminum baking sheet, spread them out in a single layer with no spaces and cover it with a plastic bag, then leave it sit in the walk-in overnight. The next day you'd have to get a pair of tongs and move each stick to a new tray, turning them over, then cover the new tray with the ba...

Fort Valley State HBCU Black Ivy League Shirt

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I went from actually working from 9-5 to  Fort Valley State HBCU Black Ivy League Shirt maybe 1 hour tops a day. Finding, importing, cleaning, and reporting usually took hours but with all the formulas it took 2 minutes of clicking. I then helped the other cool intern get his shit set up so we could both just chill. We could take 2-hour lunches (paid for by the company) and nobody said anything cause we were just getting so much more done than the other interns. Ofc I helped for special tasks when asked but those were simple 20min tasks building something in Excel. When Carl Friedrich Gauss, the famous German mathematician and physicist was in elementary school (around 1784), his class was assigned the "busy work" task of adding all the numbers from 1 to 100 (1+2+3+4, and so on). This usually kept the class quiet for half an hour or so. Seven year-old Carl was sitting quietly with the correct answer (5050) while the rest of the class was just starting, so the surprised teach...

Funny Baby Groot Wendy’s Logo Shirt

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Innate power. I saw an  Funny Baby Groot Wendy’s Logo Shirt interesting video about how much of an impact a modern aircraft carrier would have had on ww2 (Ie. The Final Countdown scenario) and the conclusion was that the lack of a support infrastructure would rather quickly deplete its usefulness. This is the main reason why I'm not going for someone like Iron Man or the Doomslayer. Once they run out of ammo/energy their usefulness decreases rapidly. Captain Marvel on the other hand doesn't rely on such things.Also she's inherently very mobile. Thanos is very powerful but without his army and ships he's slow and earthbound. Even an Iron Man suit has only limited life support capability which would make counterattacks against orbital forces difficult.I think God would be a good choice, with all His omnipotent powers and such - I honestly can't think of a more powerful fictional character. The only downside is he usually trys to stay out of Earthlings matters and let...

Horse Your Crazy Is Showing You Might Want To Tuck That Back Vintage Shirt

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The rest of the movie is  Horse Your Crazy Is Showing You Might Want To Tuck That Back Vintage Shirt then effectively a team up movie with Spider-Man and Captain Marvel working together to find the villain, because he won't let her do it alone, and she basically doesn't know New York at all well enough to be able to properly search for the villain. This has him effectively showing her his philosophy of 'with great power comes great responsibility' and teaching her that she can't just blow shit up becase otherwise innocent people get hurt. Meanwhile, because this is a joint Spider-Man movie, Spider-Man can learn from her, however for him it's less to do with heroism, and more to do with issues he's having in his dating life. This also has the secondary benefit of allowing Captain Marvel to be more human (an issue with her first movie, where her amnesia means we never really get to know her actual personality very well).Gru. The dude can lift the moon with a ...

Nice Cheyney BCU Black Ivy League Shirt

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But I reckon there's a Nice Cheyney BCU Black Ivy League Shirt way to fix her in future movies so she's not as ridiculously overpowered. What she needs to do is go through an arc where she does indeed let loose to stop a bad guy, only to have to face the aftermath of it, and finally learn what her commander was trying to teach her, not that she shouldn't use her powers, but that she can't just go in with full power every time precisely because it fucks everything up.And I think the best way to do this is to have her share a movie with Spider-Man. Think about it, Spider-Man is the MCU's ground level POV character, we see the aftermath of big events in his movies, and more than any other series, we see in his films how the world is affected by the MCU. So the story should open with Captain Marvel chasing down some space villain (no idea who, it doesn't especially matter), and the fight starts wrecking buildings and of course Spider-Man is there because shit's...

Nice Dachshund Can I Pet Dat Dawg Shirt

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Listen, you lot, you're all whizzing about. It's really very distracting. Could you all just stay still a  Nice Dachshund Can I Pet Dat Dawg Shirt minute because I am talking! The question of the hour is, who's got the Pandorica? Answer, I do. Next question. Who's coming to take it from me? Come on! Look at me. No plan, no back up, no weapons worth a damn. Oh, and something else. I don't have anything to lose! So, if you're sitting up there in your silly little spaceship, with all your silly little guns, and you've got any plans on taking the Pandorica tonight, just remember who's standing in your way. Remember every black day I ever stopped you, and then, and then, do the smart thing. Let somebody else try first.MCU iteration definitely is. Her own movie makes it pretty clear that she's overwhelmingly powerful, and has her former mentor constantly telling her to hold back, with the lesson at the end being that she shouldn't as it enables her to ...

Nice Horse Notes On Sheet Music Shirt

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On the other end of the  Nice Horse Notes On Sheet Music Shirt spectrum, the dad should be taking the kids to see the dead animal and explaining that this is the price we make other species pay to provide for us. They have to die, have their organs cut from their still warm bodies, and their skin peeled off. Then we carve them up into pan sized pieces and put them in plastic tubs. This is the price.I will admit, it is much harder to see an animal like deer going from hopping and skipping to a panting mess on the floor, but we do everything we can to make sure that the animal suffers as little as possible. It’s BY FAR more humane than supermarket meat.This can go either way for the kid when he turns into an adult - he will realize he can direct his energy and bravery into practical things and make decent contributions to society (voicing his opinion is brave at that age regardless of whether you agree with him or not)or he will end up joining PETA and develop into a lolcow.I’m from ...

Star War The Mandalorian Bounty Hunter Shirt

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Deer are generally very well-managed in the Star War The Mandalorian Bounty Hunter Shirt US. In areas below carrying capacity they will lower tags and quotas to adjust. They actually more frequently run into problems with not enough deer being harvested. This can lead to problems related to overpopulation. Accidents with cars are one of the obvious effects. Another issue is that higher population densities make it much easier for diseases like CWD to spread. At serious overpopulation you can actually have catastrophic overgrazing that will starve significant portions of the population.Now an obvious solution is reintroduction of predators. Unfortunately this isn't viable near populated areas without introducing risks to residents or even agriculture. It's difficult to get this approved. Now hunters are a good workable alternative, and these people aren't supporting factory farms. These are animals that have lived full lives in nature. The goal is the fastest death possible,...

Star Wars Characters Dandelion Flowers Shirt

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I'm a vegetarian and I Star Wars Characters Dandelion Flowers Shirt applaud when people hunt and kill their own meat. The animal has lived a natural life, away from the absolute horrors of intensive, factory farmed meat. The end is swift (usually) and without stress, unlike animals getting sent for slaughter. The fact that these folks are meat eaters getting upset about this is absurd, and shows their absolute lack of any knowledge of modern farming and slaughter methods.It should be noted too that hunting finances quite a huge part of conversation. Also, my NY redditors can correct me if I'm wrong but the video was taken in Long Island and many places like that are overrun with deer because there are very few predators due to development. That alone can drastically fuck up the ecosystem, yards, and cars. There used to be a pretty cool show on animal planet about hunters in upstate New York that hunted in peoples backyards for that very reason.I agree with this completely. May...

Stitch Ohana Signifie Famille Famille Signifie Que Personne Ne Doit Etre Abandonne Ni Oublie Shirt

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In the time right after WWII, when so  Stitch Ohana Signifie Famille Famille Signifie Que Personne Ne Doit Etre Abandonne Ni Oublie Shirt many countries were still rationing foods. The US stopping rationing, except for sugar as soon as the war ended. It's farmers were able to feed not only the US but much of the world, keeping many from starving. And, because the US was so well fed, commerce was strong far early than other countries affected by bombing and occupation. That gave Boomers, the hated generation, such a step up over previous generations.I had a garden in the front yard of my house with corn, zucc, herbs between the roses. Kids were so curious watching things come up from seed. It's the same thing you're talking about with the deer, so many people have no idea of the cycles of growth in both plant and animal.The gun owner and hunter was very calm and rational. Good on him. Dealing with people that are the type that eat at burger king and buy store bought meat bu...

The Fresh Prince 30th Anniversary 1990 2020 Thank You For The Memories Signatures Shirt

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Everyone kind of shrugged this off at the  The Fresh Prince 30th Anniversary 1990 2020 Thank You For The Memories Signatures Shirt time, but when you follow the trail, everyone that has tried to claim Mojave gold has had their minds slowly deteriorate to the point where, when they need to say something important, they can't. They're only capable of saying trivial things. Commander William Lewis Hamilton of the SS Central America, the ship carrying this gold, was completely unable to give vital commands as they were struck by a hurricane, and scholars believe that a simple order to shift the rudder to the left would have saved the ship, the lives, and the gold. Instead, he ordered the crew to "make sure to always brush your teeth after all your meals." This caused more confusion as the ship was bombarded with 100 mph winds and enormous waves. Tommy G. is most likely afflicted with this same curse.A lot of people are disconnected with where their food comes from. I can...

The Gaydalorian This Is The Way Shirt

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He recovered lots of  The Gaydalorian This Is The Way Shirt gold blocks, coins and dust. Sold it for 50 million. Didn't repay his investors or give them any of the profit. Then went on the lam. In 2016 the feds got him, ordered him to say where the money and gold are and locked him up when he refused to. The investors got a 20 million dollar civil judgment against him.By last account, in 2020, he is still in jail for refusing to say where the money and any remaining gold is. Also, his lawyer quit practicing law before being disbarred for knowingly lying/understating to the investors how much gold Thompson brought up from the wreck during the civil lawsuit. The lawyer was ordered to pay 250k+ in sanctions by the court, appealed & lost so he owes it. Thompson's story is that the money all went to expenses, banks and lawyers. At one point he said he had 500 gold coins stashed in Belize but then said he forgot who was holding them for him and no longer had access to them. It i...

The Golden Girls Savage Classy Bougie Ratchet Shirt

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Thompson had been wanted since failing to  The Golden Girls Savage Classy Bougie Ratchet Shirt appear before a judge in 2012. When a warrant was issued for Thompson’s arrest in August 2012, he and his girlfriend Alison Antekeier disappeared.Before they became fugitives, they had lived under the radar for six years. They paid rent for the multi-million dollar Vero Beach property in cold, sweaty cash that had become damp and moldy after being buried underground. Thompson kept at least 12 disposable cellphones — each assigned to a different person or purpose. Also found in the house were money straps stamped with “$10,000,” a bank statement bearing one of Thompson’s pseudonyms with a balance of $1 million, and a book called “How to be Invisible,” which details how to evade law enforcement.At one point, the rental agent arrived at the property and found an unforgettable scene. “Tommy was in the cabana. When he came out, the only thing he was wearing was a pair of leather shoes, black ...

The Good The Bad And The Ugly 54th Anniversary 1966 2020 Thank You For The Memories Signatures Shirt

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Contempt of Court is the  The Good The Bad And The Ugly 54th Anniversary 1966 2020 Thank You For The Memories Signatures Shirt primary way the justice system can compel obedience to a lawful order. The sentence is indefinite pending your compliance with the lawful order. There are a handful of people called Prisoners of Conscience who have spent years and decades in jail for contempt. Its considered legal because the metaphorical key to their release is in their willingness to comply. Any time they wish to get out they just have to follow the Court's order.For instance one guy went through a messy divorce and he was ordered to give several million dollars to his ex-wife. He refused so the Judge held him in contempt of court pending his release of the funds to his ex. This guy has never given her a dime so he remains in jail. A Contempt Charge isn't a tyrannical abuse of power because Judges have the lawful authority to make orders. Within the courtroom they need to keep order ...

Train To Busan 05th Anniversary 2016 2021 Thank You For The Memories Signatures Shirt

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Most nations have laws that if you find shipwrecked loot in  Train To Busan 05th Anniversary 2016 2021 Thank You For The Memories Signatures Shirt their controlled sea (or something like that) you are required to relinquish it to the state before they either heavily tax the haul or take a significant chunk of it for “historical value”, etc. if he’s refusing to tell where the loot is he’s likely being held in contempt of a court order to produce the valuables that are required to be taxed.The crime is violating his contract with his investors. They funded his expedition with the agreement that they'd split whatever he found. He found it and is refusing to fulfill his end of the contract. It's up to the judge to decide how to compel him to satisfy his contractual obligations. Imprisonment is pretty extreme though for contract disputes, so I'm guessing they started out easy on him and worked up to this point.The kind looking to not make the criminal and civil cases against the...

Official Covid Cna Because Superher Other Products:o Isn’t An Official Job Title Shirt

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That's the part that gets me. He isn't even serving a  Official Covid Cna Because Superher Other Products:o Isn’t An Official Job Title Shirt sentence. He is just there until he tells them where he put the gold. I wonder if there is a limit for how long he can be held, though? If he had stolen the money and spent it, how long would his sentence be? I would hope there is a limit of some kind where they finally have to just charge and convict him of fraud?IANAL, but my understanding is there are limits on contempt if you said or did something the judge didn't like. However in a case where you're ordered to give up information, like in this case, there is no limit. If you just decide to never give up the info you can be in jail for life.The problem here is, suppose some judge said to give up the plans for the location of a bomb -- but there was no bomb, or you didn't know where it was. They haven't proven you committed a crime, or that you have knowledge. It's...

Titanic 23 Years Of Release 1997 2020 Thank You For The Memories Signatures Shirt

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This is  Titanic 23 Years Of Release 1997 2020 Thank You For The Memories Signatures Shirt convoluted but if I understand (according to Wikipedia) this was a civil suit to get the money back for the investors, he was subpoenaed and failed to show. Thus he was held in contempt of court (aka impeding the trial moving forward), charged with criminal contempt he pleaded guilty. He lost the civil trial and was ordered to return the gold to the investors. He refused by reason of forgetting and was once again in contempt of court until he abides by the court order.The [...] appeal concerns a suit brought by a group of plaintiffs who assisted Thompson in locating the wreckage of the Central America. All signed non-disclosure agreements with Thompson, through his business entities, promising to hold his projects and ideas in confidence in exchange for a percentage of the net recovery of the Central America. All claim to have upheld their respective ends of the bargain, yet none have receiv...

Bear Bound Cover Just A Little More Ground Shirt

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This isn't about the right of  Bear Bound Cover Just A Little More Ground Shirt pedos to engage in their activities, this is about people having the right to live without the possibility that an organisation without police-level oversight and safeguards will be permitted to cause them harm basedon evidence that doesn't meet legal standards. The reason we ban vigilante justice isn't because we feel so sorry for the actual guilty people that they catch, it's because we know that empowering well-meaning but unregulated people with policing responsibilities leads to innocents getting caught in the crossfire.Lets face it, the only reason a lot of hunters do this is for views on youtube, they want 5mins of fame. You seen the state of some of them, probably the same types who 10-20yrs ago when they were 17-24 had 14/15yr old girlfriends.It was a very different world tho to be fair back then cuz even Channel 4 here in the UK, did a documentary about age gap relationships where ...

Don’t Talk To Me I’m Counting Original Sheep Knitting Vintage Retro Shirt

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I've had a couple of folks on Don’t Talk To Me I’m Counting Original Sheep Knitting Vintage Retro Shirt dating apps try to get me wrapped up in some shit. They said they were 20 on their dating profile, we texted back and forth for a few hours they sent nudes of "themselves" then casually drop that they are "17 for another couple of months," then ask me to send explicit material of myself and to describe what I wanted to do to them sexually. I asked them what the fuck they thought they were doing and they said, "oh it's okay my parents know I date older guys, they don't care."Right to privacy is right to privacy, if it's conditional on whether we like you or not, stop calling it a right. Call it a privilege or something. If you don't see why this is stupid, consider: 'The interests of children have priority over any interest a paedophile could have in being granted a fair trial or presumed innocent'. Hell, if we ever get to tha...

Funny Sunflower Grandma Shirt

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I'll bring this up again. Pedophiles and Funny Sunflower Grandma Shirt child molesters are not the same thing. I don't think it's right to hunt pedophiles who aren't child molesters. I'm like admittedly not that upset about the child molester case here but it's still vigilantism. Also in a system that provides no help for pedophiles before they commit a crime it seems like we're not getting this right.Now, I think the first part is noble, and the second part is somewhat misguided. It's better if a pedophile never offends. It's better if a pedophile only offends once than twice, it's better if a pedophile offends twice than thrice, and so on. Not even to go into the territory of the fact that some actions ARE more damaging than others.Seriously, this whole thread seems to think if someone shares a text you sent them its illigal. If you threaten someone over text, and they are like hey look what they said, you can still be in trouble for threatenin...

I Love You To The Books Bookstore And Back Shirt

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There was not reasonable expectation of  I Love You To The Books Bookstore And Back Shirt privacy though. The government didn't intercept the messeges, the person on the other end gave them over. It's not illigal anywhere to say "Wow look what so and so texted me" or for a child to go to parent and show them messeges they were sent online. If this was a real child, it would still be totally legal for the parents to turn over those messeges to the police.These aren't people that are part of some secret, hidden plot or people with elaborate ruses to avoid detection. They look, act, talk, and live the same way anyone else does and they don't go unpunished or undetected because they're part of some secret organization or are masters of disguise. They escape detection and punishment because of very real gaps and holes in our systems that allow these behaviors to continue and, in some cases, even encourage them.Until recently that was Nazis but another aspect o...

Just A Girl Who Loves Pitbulls Shirt

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It’s not even the sting itself, it’s the Just A Girl Who Loves Pitbulls Shirt performance that goes along with it. I know a guy in a group in Scotland who does these stings. They corner a guy at a train station or in front of his home or whatever the case may be and basically shout ‘paedo’ at him for 30 mins until the police arrive, broadcast live online. You have to question the motivations of the people watching leaving comments demanding nothing short of a public lynching. And many of the guys have partners, kids and other family members. Imagine the trauma a child would go through not only in discovering their father was up to some seriously bad stuff online, but then having their classmates play the video in school shouting ‘your dad’s a paedo!’. Unlike the decoy, that’s real lasting harm coming to a real child. The group’s work has undoubtedly led to convictions which is great, but I wonder if their net amount of good would be a lot higher if they just did it without the circus p...

Never Underestimate An Old Man With A Hair Shears Moon Shirt

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While I agree with the  Never Underestimate An Old Man With A Hair Shears Moon Shirt sentiment of the ruling made by the court, I don't think they should be encouraging private citizens to take the law, or in this case investigation, into their own hands. It's one thing for a private citizen to come across information like this naturally, and then present it to Police. Conducting their own sting operation is entirely different. Agreeing to meet with someone under circumstances like this could potentially be dangerous once the individual is "outed". Best to leave that to the professionals, as it were.Paedophile hunters can often compromise wider investigations by giving their targets opportunities to notify larger networks. Unlike police they have no powers to start taking people’s phones or stopping them texting as soon as they see them. They might currently be under investigation by the authorities as part of a bigger operation, then all of a sudden things start mov...

Nice Get Off My Lawn Shirt

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The massive problem here is  Nice Get Off My Lawn Shirt that there's a lot of room for abuse. What stops a person from faking a conversation with someone that don't like and posting it? If they've got a real conversation with a pedo that showed intent, then they should report it to the police, and then they can release names when they're charged. Allowing a free for all with random citizens with unreliable credibility is a legitimately slippery slope. People have already shown that they rarely do due diligence with online content. This is setting up a bad precident that'll likely get someone doxxed, unemployed, hurt, or even killed when the inevitable 'pranks' show up.The bottom third of humanity has realized "pedophile" is an extremely effect weapon to use against strangers. If these hunters even just make an "innocent" mistake will it matter to the people who they name? It won't. The damage will have been done. But a shit ton of sh...

Skeleton Witch Grateful Dead Happy Halloween Shirt

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Having read the thread briefly, one theory was that you don't want your product to officially run out of stock (I don't remember the reason), and obviously you don't want people to order items and be told you don't have it, so the "compromise" is to raise the price so high no-one will buy it. That way, it doesn't have to Skeleton Witch Grateful Dead Happy Halloween Shirt be put in "out of stock mode", but nobody will buy it and be met with a delay or anything.What is cake? Well, it has an active ingredient which is a dangerous psychoactive compound known as dimesmeric anderson phospate. It stimulates the part of the brain called Shatner's Bassoon, and that's the bit of the brain that deals with time perception. So a second feels like a month. Well, it almost sounds like fun, unless you're the Prague schoolboy who walked out into the street, straight in front of a tram. He thought he'd got a month to cross the street.What I'm ...

Sweat Like A Pig Look Like A Fox Gym Shirt

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Oh my god yes. Reminds me of the Sweat Like A Pig Look Like A Fox Gym Shirt time where people boasted about blaring their horn on people they see texting and driving on the highway, and I said I didn’t think that was a good idea since you’ll be startling someone who is driving distracted. This is my genuine opinion, I do not think it’s okay to text and drive but once somebody is doing it I don’t think other drivers should do much besides calling the police. Holy shit, so many people started accusing me of texting and driving. I guess they thought I was secretly advocating to not be honking just because I must actually love people who text and drive, because obviously I must be one (I’m not). The best part was when somebody told me to “just stop!” after again reiterating that they were certain I must text and drive.I won’t sugar coat it, that pissed me off. Fuck those guys. Of course I got massively downvoted and they got massively upvoted so of course anybody reading the thread probabl...